Socks Client For Mac

Active8 years, 8 months ago

I'm trying to connect to a Windows server from my Mac using RDC2.1 for Mac.

Ready to use? Just navigate to Quick Guide. Or plan to deploy your own server? Have a Minute? Take one minute to complete a survey about shadowsocks user base. In a previous post, I showed you how to build a shadowsocks server on your own server and install the client software on your Linux, Windows, and Mac Desktop.And also on your Android and iOS devices. This article will show you how to install and use the command line client on Linux including Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, CentOS, OpenSUSE and Archlinux.

Jun 18, 2013  To clarify, I mean Mac OSX Mountain Lion (the new one). I am soon to join the club of mac book owners (just placed an order for one of the new retina ones). I have a need to dynamically tunnel SSH/HTTP using a socks client, to multiple host names, and multiple applications – I would like to proxy on a per host basis.

Socks client mac os x

The problem is the server I need to connect to is guarded by the evil dragon - IP-based access control on a completely separate network.

I have an IP I can get in on, but it's at my office (i.e. a completely separate network).

Because that network isn't set up for VPN, I've set up a SOCKS proxy through an SSH tunnel (which is all working fine).

From my Linux server in my office (the SSH server) I can telnet to port 3389 on the Windows server, no problem. But from my Mac I can't get so much as a squeak out of it. Any ideas?

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closed as off topic by GregD, ZypherDec 21 '10 at 20:00

Questions on Server Fault are expected to relate to server, networking, or related infrastructure administration within the scope defined by the community. Consider editing the question or leaving comments for improvement if you believe the question can be reworded to fit within the scope. Read more about reopening questions here. If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

2 Answers

You don't need a SOCKS proxy for this; simple SSH port forwarding will work. For example, there's a server at my office I frequently need to access, which we'll call I can't connect to it directly, but I can ssh to So I do this:

And then I point my local Remote Desktop client to localhost. This works great, and my setup is almost identical to yours -- a Mac at home, a Linux box at my office, and a Windows server on another work network.


Opentext Socks Client For Mac

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Vip72 Socks Client For Mac

Socks Client For Mac

You could try using CoRD, a replacement remote desktop app which supports SOCKS proxies.

Marc RobertsMarc Roberts

Shadow Socks Mac Client

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